Ani, a writer whose perfectly crafted New York City life starts to unravel when a true-crime documentary forces her to confront her harrowing high school history and questions the experiences she had to endure as a teenager.
Intrusive and potential harmful to some viewers but mostly intriguing, definitely watch with little to no knowledge of the story (unless you find certain themes triggering). Mila Kunis brings a surprisingly memorable performance, going against her usual style and comedic casting. She embodied this tragic character and delivered a truly realistic portrayal.
Luckiest Girl Alive (2022) is a powerful, heartbreaking tragedy. Although enticing this film is a raw depiction of misfortune and torture, may be uncomfortable for some viewers to watch as the themes are often triggering and show themes of abuse and violence. This movie is unapologetically emotional, divisive and demanding off your attention. Although the story progression was often slow and I found myself drifting in and out of attention, the overall narrative was a unique one and used some very strong themes to deliver a compelling story with a compelling main character.