The bond of family and the ongoing pressure of living up to expectation, The Iron Claw depicts a truly heartbreaking family dynamic of the Von Elrich wrestling family. Based on reality, this feature leaves no stone unturned as it delves into the tragic tellings of each family members life, centred around Zac Efron’s Kevin.
The Iron Claw broke my heart, it left me shattered and I believe that is down to the extraordinary execution of the film. From the unforgettable performances to the engaging soundtrack, The Iron Claw was a cinematic experience which left me sobbing. The story, although tragic had plenty of heart warming and tender moments, we fall in love with these characters and we only want them to succeed; which makes their demise all the more saddening.
The Iron Claw showcased a cast of confident and committed actors who delivered rounded, heartfelt and admirable performances. This feature is an example of Zac Efron’s talents, Efron embodied his character through physicality and mentality, he was transformed in this role and I was in awe of his performance. Kevin Von Erich is the core of this story, his commitment to his brothers, his seeking of approval from his father and his constant struggle with being second best. Kevin is the central catalyst and Efron was able to channel his wide range of emotion, we see Kevin transition, his character journey from beginning to end is unbelievably sad but incredibly entertaining.
The film was paced perfectly, giving audiences enough time to digest each brother and understand their journey. Along with the stylised camera choices and unique way of storytelling, The Iron Claw was truly one of the most engaging watches i've had the pleasure of seeing recently. I was enthralled by their family dynamic and completely in awe of the families commitment and drive when it came to wrestling, their ambition was fuelled by their father which only made for a more heartbreaking watch.
I was moved by this film, I felt connected to the family and their progression. Each brother transcends on a journey of self discovery and acceptance but sadly, not all of them overcome their struggles. A film I cannot recommend enough, get your tissues ready, this is a tear jerker.
4.5/5 Probe Points.